Intimacy with the Lord Jesus

Over ten years ago, while mourning the passing of a loved one thy Lord increased His Presence in my life.  As I became acquainted with grief sweetly, my Beloved Jesus pursued and pulled me out of a place of darkness. 

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thrists for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?   Psalm 42:1-2

It was in the cleft of the rock that I remained.  The Comforter gave me strength to begin to lift the curtains from a time of tarrying in the loss and monument of the past. The river of tears and the sound of mourning were replaced. The Lamb of God’s glorious presence suddenly began to abode in my two-story home. Ofttimes, as I welcomed guests they were immediately overcome with His Blessed Presence.  The Father, the Great Architecture of our lives lovingly ushered me into a new story with the release of His prophets whom were sent to give me a glimpse of what was to come.  Amos 3:7. Thereafter, the Lord Jesus kept His promise to come as written throughout the Holy Scriptures.  For some of my spiritual children and to a dear family member, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them while they were at my home. The King had come!  

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.  John 14:23 

My late mother, well-beloved, had an extraordinary testimony of the Risen Lord visiting her in His Glorified Body after her baptism at nine-years old.  Thy Lord asked something of His Young Daughter and she gave Her Master the answer. Thereafter, He bestowed a most glorious gift to her:  she became His Friend and He faithfully protected her throughout her special life.  

Many people wonder how is it that the Lord dwelleth with me.  I can only say to you during a season of unspeakable grief with the sudden passing of my mother; the Lord, her Best Friend, chose to prepare me to become His also.  

For me, there is no place more comfortable than spending time with the Lord Jesus, our Rose of Sharon.  His Majesty is heavenly beautiful!  Each marvelous time our Savior has visited me, He has left a gift from Heaven.  Oh, how I love Him!  

It is most precious to me; the Friendship with thy Lord for which such great suffering I have endured.  And, it is not easy for me to share my love for our Beloved Lord here. Yet, He has asked this of me.  Be glorified O Lord!   

I am Thine, Lord Jesus.  Amen. 

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